Planet Hulk (2010)
- 2010
- PG-13
Storyline Planet Hulk (2010)
The mankind was tired of uncontrollable aggression of Hulk, the green monster constantly escaped from any dungeon, and made awful acts where people perished. Then the Iron Man and other avengers decided to unite by efforts and to keep integrity of this planet, having sent to space of the main character. They just did not have other exit, then Earth will be completely destroyed because of its disobedience. Being in shackles by the spaceship, Hulk was horrified, at all did not know how to it to improve situation. He did not know where he flies and where will land how many it will manage to stay in this area all alone?
Aggression of the monster got out of hand again, and, having escaped from fetters, it punched a hole in the vehicle, than provoked accident. Force of an attraction gave the space equipment on the unknown planet. And, having looked round around, suddenly Hulk was attacked by the powers that be, and seized him as the hostage, sending to prison to novel persons. It became clear, they are going to use its force as the gladiator. Here he has to battle against various beings. But nobody suspected that he will manage to win against tens of similar monsters.
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- country: United States of America
- original name: Planet Hulk
- runtime: 81 min.
- original language: English
- translation: Tamil, Telugu
- director: Sam Liu
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