Dawn of the Dragonslayer (2011)
- 2011
- PG-13
Storyline Dawn of the Dragonslayer (2011)
The story of father and son. Two priests who do not perceive all the people around them live on a high mountain. They lived an ordinary life. But one day Will's father was killed by a dragon. The guy can't survive the loss of his father. Therefore, Will goes to the bottom of the cliff to find the insidious creature and do justice to him. He is ready to take revenge. All his past convictions collapsed in the depths of rage. He's on his way. However, before doing justice, Will goes to the house of his forefathers. In order for the stern Sterling to teach him how to kill dragons. While Will is at Sterling's house, he communicates with his daughter named Kate. Sterling doesn't like it, so he decides to kill Will. But he manages to escape. Old senile people are looking for a guy. And Will is trying to survive and finish the job he started. Because then it wouldn't make sense.
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- country:
- original name: Dawn of the Dragonslayer
- runtime: 97 min.
- original language: English
- translation: Hindi
- director: Anne K. Black
- Player α