Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022)
- 2022
- PG
Storyline Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022)
Dream book the good-natured and extremely fast hedgehog painted in blue color its energy so overflows a body that it is ready for the lightning period, to overcome huge distance. It should move constantly not to fall into hands of the mad professor suffering from maniacal thoughts. By means of portals it accidentally gets on the planet Earth where people are not familiar with such unusual being who is quickly moving in different directions. On the trouble faced such hero young the person on names of Tom. He understood not at once with whom deals, but during short communication, the man strongly like to a space hedgehog and decides to help to escape to it from the irrepressible opponent.
As it is healthy when the true friend is near if Sonik was not surrounded by faithful companions to him it would be necessary to fall into hands of the mad scientist dreaming to squeeze out from it all energy. Doctor Robotnik is not ready to stop and even if Sonik constantly runs away from him, he will think out the new plans and ultramodern devices directed to capture of the fugitive. Tom understands that his new space friend is in serious danger and therefore decides to provide him himself and to give the real repulse of mad professor and to help to return to a hedgehog safe to himself on the native planet.
Hindi dubbing, free watch online & download video 1080, HD

- country: Japan, United States of America
- original name: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
- runtime: 122 min.
- original language: English, Russian, French, Latin, Hawaiian, Greek
- translation: Hindi
- director: Jeff Fowler
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