A Party To Die For (2022)
- 2022
Storyline A Party To Die For (2022)
Sadie is ready for a change in her life as an employee of a luxury boutique. One day Jessica, a socialite, invites Jessica to a nightclub. They quickly become friends. The night goes wrong when a party is held at the house of a man Sadie has just met when he is out of town. Someone died, and Sadie and Jessica have to hide the body. Jessica has a dirty secret for Sadie. The police are collecting evidence that leads to Sadie. People in Sadie's life are in danger.
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- country: United States of America
- original name: A Party To Die For
- runtime: 83 min.
- original language: English
- translation: Tamil
- director: Nanea Miyata
Jonetta Kaiser, Kara Royster, Jermaine Rivers, Madia Hill Scott, Buddy Caine, Marko Christie, Nakia Dillard, Shay Guthrie
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