Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
- 2021
- PG-13
Storyline Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Peter Parker already practically got used to the new appearance of the Spiderman. When it was bitten by an insect, he tried to get used to these circumstances, and accepted an image of the superhero. He saved local mankind from attack of villains and newcomers, also knew about existence of other Universes and the worlds. He hid the true essence from people, knew that then journalists, police officers and military will begin on it hunting. But in the last fight when it went to a meeting with Misterio, it became clear that this character will tell to people the name of the standing Spiderman.
Now St. Petersburg life in a moment failed. It lost the favourite little girl and quiet life. Cannot be in the cities and settlements any more. On it different villains arranged hunting. To improve situation, he asks for the help doctor Strendzhu, that can return to the past and to correct everything. However this person does not agree to Parker's conditions therefore the hero needs only - to steal one a subject which moves to another dimension. But, without having listened to Strendzha, it aggravated everything. Now the terrible danger, including elimination threatens the peace. Uniting by efforts with friends, the fellow tries to improve situation, because of it people can die.
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- country: United States of America
- original name: Spider-Man: No Way Home
- runtime: 148 min.
- original language: English
- translation: Hindi, Bengali, English
- director: Jon Watts
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