The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
- 2014
- PG-13
Storyline The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)
Peter Parker's life is full of dangers, despite his passionate desire to lead quiet and moderate life, he constantly gets to the most ridiculous and serious events. Especially his girlfriend suffers in these incidents, Gwen more than once appeared on a hair from death, but the guy managed to keep up to save the beauty from inevitable accident. The Spiderman tries to spend all free time near Gwen, but there is one a promise, unpleasant for it, which he made to the girl's father that any more his daughter will never endanger and therefore he should refuse the beloved forever. To keep a promise, so heavy for the guy, too difficult, he understands that the man is right, and at some point, Gwen can fall a victim of the circumstances connected only with it.
On delivery school the diploma, Parker tries to leave Gwen, explaining that he cannot betray memory of her late father to whom it is oath promised to leave the girl to protect it from various consequences. At this time the childhood friend of Peter, Harry comes back from foreign study. It goes to the sick father, Norman at once to visit him. During the conversation the father tells the son that both of them are sick with an incurable genetic disease. Norman is not capable to cope with it anymore, and in line now Harry in whose organism irreversible process of destruction already began. At the same moment at one of the enterprises Oskorp occurs accident, Max gets to a trap, the teeming electric eels. Damages were too strong that affected its internal mutation, and now the organism of the man could select the unusual category of electricity then he becomes the new villain - Elektro.
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- country: United States of America
- original name: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
- runtime: 142 min.
- original language: English
- translation: Hindi
- director: Marc Webb
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