The Terminator (1984)
- 1984
- R
Storyline The Terminator (1984)
In the distant future, everything is not as joyful as in the present, people are waiting for a brutal war with machines eager to enslave the whole world and become dominant in this world. People are trying to resist artificial intelligence, but the forces are completely unequal and therefore there is only one way to stop the war, to go back in time to eradicate the problem. The plot unfolds in the late eighties of the twentieth century, when a strange man appears out of nowhere on one of the streets, a garbage truck driver becomes a witness to this strange incident. The man saw a strange glow, and then a naked athlete, ran away in fear so as not to become a victim of mysterious circumstances. So a Terminator appears in our world, the one who came to solve a number of issues related to the future situation of humanity.
At the same time, a second person appears, he is also naked and he needs to find clothes, but at this moment the police notice him and try to arrest the violator of the night order. Kyle Reese manages to get rid of the uniformed men by taking the shotgun from them and going to look for a phone booth. His task is to find Sarah Connor as soon as possible, because she is in danger. In the directory, the Terminator finds several namesakes of the girl and goes to them in turn, after which he kills all the alleged ladies, leaving them no chance of life. Fortunately, his real target is at the end of the list and she manages to avoid such a terrible fate as other women. The police are interested in strange murders, they decide that a serial killer has appeared in the city, interested exclusively in women with the same surname and first name.
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- country: United Kingdom, United States of America
- original name: The Terminator
- runtime: 107 min.
- original language: English, Spanish
- translation: Hindi, Tamil
- director: James Cameron
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