Death Race 2000 (1975)
- 1975
- R
Storyline Death Race 2000 (1975)
Mass civil unrest descends on the world, all this leads to an imminent economic collapse, the global crisis that occurred in 1979 did not go unnoticed, and imperceptibly pulled all countries and society to the very bottom. The US government is trying to reorganize everything, for this they decide to take advantage of the authoritarian regime used during martial law. The population of the country is in a panic, and in order to somehow relax people and give them a distraction, a new exciting show is being created - a transcontinental road race. This type of entertainment was a particularly aggressive type of racing tournaments, high-speed cars equipped with powerful motors tried to determine their leadership, despite obstacles and a long distance. Points were given for each path traveled, for the racers the main goal was victory, and only then only life values, so the injured people in these cruel games did not matter to them.
The action takes place in the two thousandth year, the twentieth annual race takes place, where five pilots compete for the right to be the leader. Each participant has his own racing car, created for a specific theme. Not everyone is ready to follow such a cruel and unnecessary spectacle, there is resistance in the world trying to resist such a cruel and unnecessary regime in the world. They are very concerned that Mr. President rules everything, whom no one has seen and does not know his real name, it seems that he uses special methods that affect consciousness and thus calm society. Thomas Paine, a relative of the hero who played an important role in the War of Independence of the United States, cannot accept such a terrible and unfair situation, and therefore decides to gather like-minded people around him and act. To influence the President, members of the resistance kill the drivers of racing cars, and then take Frankenstein, the leader and champion hostage.
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- country: United States of America
- original name: Death Race 2000
- runtime: 80 min.
- original language: English, Brazilian Sign Language, Spanish
- translation: Hindi
- director: Paul Bartel
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