God's Crooked Lines (2022)
- 2022
Storyline God's Crooked Lines (2022)
The main character of the film "God's Crooked Lines" is a young girl named Alice, who works as a private detective. One day she came to a psychiatric hospital, explaining to the staff that she was suffering from paranoia. However, she did this only to get into the clinic and find out exactly how another patient died. Gradually, the beauty plunges into the wonderful world of madness that was happening within the walls of the clinic. The girl has to find out a lot of very shocking secrets.
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- country: Spain
- original name: Los renglones torcidos de Dios
- runtime: 154 min.
- original language: Spanish
- translation: Hindi
- director: Oriol Paulo
Bárbara Lennie, Eduard Fernández, Loreto Mauleón, Javier Beltrán, Pablo Derqui, Federico Aguado, Adelfa Calvo, Antonio Buíl, Dafnis Balduz, Lluís Soler, Samuel Soler, David Selvas, Francisco Javier Pastor, Luis Sacristán, Vicente Vergara, Covadonga Berdiñas, Adolfo Gómez, Alba Jubany Vilert, Miguel Ángel González, Txell Aixendri, William Zurita, Raquel Ferri, Joan Crosas, Carles Gilabert, Lluís Altés, Patty Bonet, Pep Ferrer, Chus Leiva, Joan Serrats, Ramon Vila, Meritxell Neddermann, Alfred Tapscott, Franco Niella, Hernán Paolini, Alex Hung, Roger Martínez, Ramon Vila
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