Munich: The Edge of War (2021)
- 2021
- PG-13
Storyline Munich: The Edge of War (2021)
Hugh Legat worked for the British civil service, and suddenly it became clear by fall of 1938 that the management wishes to talk to it on rather serious subject. Going to an office, he did not suspect at all that shortly it should go to Munich to an important political conference. Earlier the young man did not guess sudden war which prepares in Europe. But now he was sure that Hitler collects the troops for approach to Czechoslovakia. But battle will not end with it. This person does not wish the world at all, he wants to destroy the population and to subordinate him to the power.
Having learned the events, the main character understood what from it is required. He is obliged to go to Munich as the spy and the intelligence agent and to meet here the old friend from the University of Oxford. Earlier they were the best friends, constantly spent time together and communicated, made plans for the future. But now appear on different sides of barricades. Going to the appointed area, being frightened of the youth, Hugh tries to talk to the friend and to find out his wishes, earlier about him there was information of rather sad character. It seemed that this guy is Hitler's assistant. But further it becomes clear that both persons dream of one - to destroy the artful villain and to stop war.
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- country: United Kingdom
- original name: Munich: The Edge of War
- runtime: 130 min.
- original language: English, German
- translation: Hindi
- director: Christian Schwochow
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