Alive (2023)

  • 2023
  • ---

Storyline Alive (2023)

Helen navigates a ravaged world with her boyfriend Kevin and her little brother Barney. Desperate to find help after Barney's infection slowly turns him into a zombie, they come upon a house where lives Dan, a man harboring a heavy secret.

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Alive (2023) poster -
  • country:
  • original name: Alive
  • runtime: 93.
  • original language: en
  • translation: Bengali
  • director: David Marantz
cast: Ellen Hillman, Kian Pritchard, Neil Sheffield, Stuart Matthews, Angus Kennedy, Gillian Broderick, Andrew May-Gohrey, Daniel May-Gohrey, Simone McIntyre, Helen Coathup, Nick Ewans, Carl Upshell, Johnny Leigh Wright, Paul Hughes, John Porter, Marian Elizabeth, Helen Walling-Richards, Valeria Pilati
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