Back to the Future (1985)
- 1985
- PG
Storyline Back to the Future (1985)
Marty is an ordinary teenager living in the 80s. He enjoyed life, danced at parties and visited various places where other guys were. Thus, he wanted to join the team. But no one took him seriously. Then the guy decided to find completely different friends. In particular, he became interested in science and met a professor who taught them different skills at the university. It turned out that this character actually has incredible knowledge of physics, and later decided to use them to create a time machine. Noticing the strange behavior of Emmett Brown, Marty joined him in researching this transport. But he did not suspect that in the future he would actually travel to the past.
The designated point is the 50s of this century. Once in this area, when he was not yet born, he had to get acquainted with his young parents, as well as with a completely different doctor, whom no one took seriously. Here they need to crank out some important ideas, but it is impossible to interfere exactly in what is happening, because then the future will change, and Marty may never be born at all. The main character attentively listens to all the orders of his crazy boss and part-time comrade. They have many difficulties ahead of them, but they do not get tired of fighting them.
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- country: United States of America
- original name: Back to the Future
- runtime: 116 min.
- original language: English
- translation: Hindi
- director: Robert Zemeckis
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