Spider-Man (2002)
- 2002
- PG-13
Storyline Spider-Man (2002)
The ordinary senior by the name of Peter Parker comes under the spotlight, it has a set of vital nuances with which the guy tries to cope. However growing is given it hardly. In the next day together with a class it goes to an excursion of gene-modified insects. Having approached object of the dreams - to the girlfriend, he found out that behind glass one spider is not enough. But considered that it is a mistake, and it was just not placed for an excursion. The youth did not suspect at all that this mutant will bite him further. The imperceptible sting for it was rather usual.
But next day Peter realized that something strange happens to his state. The organism literally changes, he sees various modifications of the body, and realizes that he becomes a mutant. Now it has all skills of a spider, but it everything also remains the person. Having learned to jump, keep on a ceiling and also to turn aside from troubles and to increase speed, he realized that its force is required in the near future to impress the girl. But on it its history does not come to an end, the most important is a fight against the enemies and villains wishing to destroy the local world and to seize power. Having learned the events, it starts protection of the population. But the special suit that further nobody recognized Petter from local inhabitants is necessary for it. Remaining mysterious and mysterious, he makes numerous feats.
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- country: United States of America
- original name: Spider-Man
- runtime: 121 min.
- original language: English
- translation: Hindi
- director: Sam Raimi
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